Hello neighbors!
Are you planning to host an event at Carpenter Green Park? If so, we are overjoyed that you want to use the park for your special event! Please read on for extra resources to streamline the event booking process.
There are a few things to consider for your event:
1. You may need a permit from Philadelphia Parks & Recreation (PPR) for certain events. If you need to apply for a permit or are unsure, please visit PPR's permit website for more information and to apply: https://www.phila.gov/documents/parks-recreation-permit-applications/
2. To check if the date & time are available, and to schedule your event, please use our free calendar site: https://friends-of-carpenter-green-park.buk.app
3. If you'd like to post a flyer advertising your event on our message board at the park (located on the tool shed door), please email the flyer to carpentergreenpark@gmail.com (pdf format preferred)
4. Donations are highly recommended for event usage of the park. This park is maintained by volunteers and generous donations from our neighbors. We invite you to "pay-what-you-can" so that we can continue caring for and improving this space.
We are thrilled to see this park being used and loved by the community and we thank you for being good park stewards!
-Friends of Carpenter Green Park